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Hollywood AYO
Boston MA
6 Spins 1 Songs 0 Bookmarks


Hollywood AYO
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Hollywood Ayo was born Andrew Robinson on March 1, 1987 at 12:45pm in Boston Ma, (Dorchester). He was raised in Columbia Point Projects along with five brothers and two sisters. His mother and father was separated most of his life. Being a single parent his mother was forced to spend most of her time working 3 jobs to support her 5 boys, putting food on the table and clothes on their backs, Determined to get them what they needed and most of what they wanted, while paying the bills, made his mother one of the biggest influences in his life. Every since he can remember he loved music. As a child his father would allow him to help him create commercials for some of his clients. There was something about hearing himself that excited him. By the age of nine he was recording and performing but it wasn't until the age of 11 when he realized that music was a gift that God had given him. As a child he loved writing lyrics and making songs and also enjoyed playing basketball. Growing up on the streets of Boston it was hard for Ayo with all the influences the streets can bring and with no father figure around it was so much easier to get caught up in the life of guns, drugs and gangs. At the age of 17 he was diagnosed with anxiety after having an attack that felt like a minor stroke. Realizing the fact that anxiety wasn't something that he could get rid of only something he could hope to control, he started to seek the help that he needed by signing up with a behavior health doctor. Six months later after being enrolled back into Boston Public school Ayo started getting his life back together and writing about it every step of the way. AT the age of 19 Ayo finally graduated high school and left his old problems in the past. As he reflects back on his life he realizes that he had been dreaming all along. He believes "true music is a story that you can tell in a form of rhythm and rhymes" and as you go through life everything and everybody that you keep around you make you who you are. As long as you stay true to the game and true to yourself there will always be another chapter to the story.


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